LaserSquash is the pioneering game that fuses the intensity of sports with the thrill of gaming. As laser beams zip by, a symphony of sound and visual spectacle will immerse you in a realm where only the rule of speed matters to win and where scoring the highest points is paramoun

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LaserSquash isn’t just a high-octane laser game; it doubles as an exhilarating workout. Research from TNO has confirmed that LaserSquash meets both the “Dutch Standard for Healthy Movement” and the “Fit Standard”. Play LaserSquash head-to-head with a partner – it’s an electrifying way to warm up and prime yourself for a round of LaserQuest. As part of LaserQuest’s range of offerings, LaserSquash stands as a must-try for an unforgettable day or evening out in Nijmegen.


  • 2 minutes per game


  • €2,50 per game


  • 1 or 2 players at a time
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